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December 2005
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Coming Attractions

IT HAS BEEN well over a decade since F&SF ran a serial, but that will change next month. Our January issue features part one of Terry Bisson's new tale of Venus, Planet of Mystery. This one's a planetary romance the likes of which we haven't seen in a long time.

We promised to bring you Robert Reed's "Less Than Nothing" this month, but unforeseen complications led us to reschedule it for January. We also plan to bring you more Robert Reed stories in the year ahead—trust us on that one.

Other stories you can look forward to in the months ahead include David Gerrold's edgy "thirteen o'clock," Madeleine E. Robins's tale of Fairy Manhattan, "Boon," and Bruce McAllister's unforgettable account of "The Boy in Zaquitos." We've also got new stories by Albert Cowdrey, Michaela Roessner, Gary W. Shockley, and Mike Shultz coming soon. Subscribe now and you'll get a year's worth of gems like these delivered right to your mailbox.

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